How outdoor games can help solve social anxiety.

How outdoor games can help solve social anxiety.

Posted by Kristie Shield on

There really is something to be said for stepping out of our homes and experiencing life the way that nature intended. As parents to two young boys, we frequently see the positive influence that fresh air and exercise has on their growing minds and bodies. 

We’re raising our sons in a very different world to that of our own childhoods - a digital world. It can feel hard to compete with a device when it’s a primary source for consuming information, entertainment and school-based learning.

It’s because of this, coupled with our own childhood experiences, that we have always placed an emphasis on getting outdoors - and in part, what drove us to create two play and games based businesses - Castle & Cubby and Gaga Games.

The rise of social anxiety in children and adolescents

Children with social anxiety worry about situations that involve interacting with other people, and can stop them from joining in on classroom discussions, activities and friendship groups. Often the root cause of social anxiety is based around life experiences and environmental factors. 

Casting our minds back to the Pandemic, Melbourne had some of the world’s strictest lockdowns. Whilst we managed to avoid the 5km restrictions when we relocated to Byron, we were still hit hard with home-schooling, and like many of you, felt the pain of missing out through the eyes of our children. 

Two years on from when schools reopened in 2022, it is still evident that pandemic-related social anxiety is impacting school-aged children, and according to Monash Universitycould impact them for years to come.

They report that the rates of ADHD, anxiety, school refusal and stress were of ‘great concern’ when schools reopened, and that as a society, we must ‘address the urgent need to secure the future of the post-pandemic child’. With some post-pandemic children missing out on 35 weeks of in-classroom schooling over that two year period, that need for resolve is imminent.

The impact of outdoor games on social anxiety

Did you know that our cortisol levels significantly reduce when we are outside? That’s why kids feel so good when they are in fresh air, it literally melts their stress away. That beautiful release of serotonin and oxytocin is where the magic happens, helping them to feel more calm and happy. 

Outdoor games are critical to helping kids build resilience; through winning, losing and strategising in play, they are learning key life skills.

Gaga Ball sits squarely in this realm. No matter what your sporting or physical ability, Gaga is the game that welcomes all. Kids play to their strengths to find a winning strategy - a big tick in our book. There is no fear of being picked for a side or being picked last, helping build kids self esteem and awareness.

You only need to watch one game of Gaga to see the camaraderie and support that this game brings to all who play.

Internationally, Gaga Ball has long been celebrated for its social benefits and inclusive nature and is now Australia’s fastest growing schoolyard game.


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